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The Profitable CEO Accelerator

The Profitable CEO Accelerator

For entrepreneurs ready to collapse time + create more ease in making more money.

Clarity is satisfying!

Excitement will brew in your chest when you successfully create a 6-Figure Scaling Strategy.


You will find clarity a with a strategic balanced workweek that includes a Goddess Day, CEO Day and Doer Day.

Your business will never be the same and the only way from here is up.

You will FEEL a thrill and FULFILLMENT after you go through my unique process!

Manifestation School

Clarity + Simplicity are in. Messy action is out! Design the life of your dreams by learning how to best use your Human Design.

Ever wake up ready to take on your day but when you sit at your computer to take action, you don't know where to start?

Or feel off and don't know why?

Understanding the Golden Path of your Human Design and Gene Keys is a great place to find answers.

Each month, discover what's in your Human Design chart for

  • clearly defined actions steps and milestones for a profitable business
  • ability to focus on taking action
  • avoiding frustration and overwhelm should you take time off
  • feeling safe to allow space for self-care, self-reflection, and healthy boundaries
  • being congruent with how you want to live your life

And that's exactly what we'll map out together during the M-School Membership!

the Entrepreneurial Wealth Codes

Unlock the code to exponential wealth and growth.

Building a business that creates a legacy of wealth and prosperity requires understanding how your mindset works in relation to your business strategy and your motivation to take action.

Join me for this 3-hour workshop to learn to use the power of your mind to achieve the outcomes you desire.

You'll experience an increased awareness in both the woo and logical sense.

The Money Manifestation Ritual

Upgrade your money manifestation ritual with the tools that actually work without all the fluff. Finally call in the money you deeply desire!

Let's clear up the manifestation confusion

All the gurus tell you to visualize, repeat affirmations, and meditate to manifest money but you keep spinning in circles wondering why that ca$h hasn't fallen out of the sky yet (even AFTER visualizing multiple money falling out of the sky). 

What gives? 

After wasting money, time, and energy on countless programs that promise results, you still find yourself searching for those Benjamins from your vision inside of your checking account. 

While techniques such as meditating are great tools, it only scratches the surface. 

The real secret is the brain science behind manifestation for long-lasting, sustainable results.

This means manifesting money on repeat by reprogramming your brain and thinking different thoughts.

Sell Yeah! Mini-mind

Have you ever wondered if people are truly monetizing Facebook groups and if so, how are they doing it?

If you’re tired of hearing crickets on your posts and drowning in a busy feed or if you find yourself constantly asking yourself “why is she having more success when I’m following the same strategy?” then listen up.

Forging someone else's strategy instead of one that is uniquely you is not going to attract aligned clients and will for sure leave you feeling like an impostor.

And when you’re not getting the results you want and feel like a fraud, you’ll talk yourself out of showing up.

Now that’s not going to sell out your group program or VIP days, will it?

You’re tired of second-guessing your marketing message:

“Am I being clear? Is my ideal client resonating with this post? Is my copy persuasive? Am I being too pushy?”

You know you rather be waking up to an inbox full of potential clients asking about your offer than feeling bummed that you don't have any sign-ups or inquiries.

If you spend your mornings checking your notifications to see if any sales came through then head over to your messages to see if anyone is asking about your free training but your inbox is empty, let’s change that!

No matter what the “experts” tell you, you CAN build a profitable 6-figure+ business with a small audience.

You can now stop stressing about:

  • Growing your FB group by thousands to have people to sell to

  • Building your email list so you can bypass the algorithm and get your message directly into your dream client’s awareness

  • Sending cold DMs that you dread and aren't effective

  • Hosting live events that get few views or engagement

You’re going to create your own damn algorithm! 

Imagine being able to sell out your program in just 4 weeks. You'd have a marketing message and prospecting system that sold for you so you can focus on serving your clients and enjoying life.

  • You’d show up more consistently

  • Get more engagement on your copy that’s spot on for your dream clients

  • You’ll always have someone who’s interested in your offers to talk to

That’s why I created the Sell Yeah! Mini-mind so you can get the support you need to create a bank of marketing messages that are clear and resonate with your audience so you easily open up more sales conversations.

In just 4 weeks, you will map out a prospecting strategy that excites you and fill your content bank with spot-on marketing messages that attract your dream clients into your DMs.

Get ready to say goodbye to awkward DMs where you don’t know how to bring up your offer—and say hello to sales in your sleep!

When you join the Sell Yeah! Mini-mind, here’s an overview of what you’ll get …

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

This is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. It's a customizable framework that we will work on together as a group each week.

Each week you'll receive a writing task that you can bring to the group call for feedback and tweaking. We'll discuss your plan for prospecting and pivoting into sales conversations.

Weekly Prospecting Party Hour

Put what you’re creating to work! Each Tuesday, we’ll meet to prospect and connect with potential clients using the framework you’ll learn in the program.

Your Content Plan for Prospecting spreadsheet filled with customized marketing messages and scripts will be your action plan during these co-prospecting sessions.

Group Voxer for Support

Let's keep the high vibes and momentum going throughout the weeks! 

This Voxer chat will be popping with celebrations, wins, and networking! Form a sisterhood that will continue long after the last call.

Plus Bonuses!

Check them out...

  • A 60-minute strategy call with me, so we can pinpoint which part of the sales cycle you get stuck at and how we can make it run more smoothly

  • Sales Confidence Subconscious Reprogramming audio to rewire your beliefs system to a more empowering, action-taking version of yourself

  • 2 self-study modules on my CopyCatch Method and Copywriting using DISC to write copy and scripts that make sales a breeze!

  • Facebook + YouTube live interview with me to talk about your offers at the end of the mini-mind

  • A spreadsheet full of copy content you can post for 2023 that is tailored to your audience in your unique voice

Do I hear you saying Hell Yeah! to Sell Yeah? 

Quick Course Cash: Complete Course Swipe Kit

Don't leave money on the literally. Lol

Take what you've learned inside the Quick Course Cash to earn quick money through referral fees and hosting your own course.

Connections that Convert Partner Program

Work smarter, not harder. Optimize your passive income & save precious time by outsourcing your team training.

When you leverage this program, you will make more money with less work and effort.

The CEO Power Planning Kit

Welcome to your The CEO Power Kit! This CEO Power Kit pairs perfectly with the Profitability and Productivity Planner.

Enjoy these goodies to enhance your experience as the CEO of your business.

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